Nicole Kent
Team Leader
Accredited Exercise Physiologist
Nicole graduated from Southern Cross University (Lismore) with Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science and Masters of Clinical Exercise Physiology.
Nicole has 12 years’ experience working as an Exercise Physiologist. Nicole moved to Coffs 2 years ago, loving the friend people and the relax lifestyle.
Nicole is passionate about everyone having the ability to move their body and achieve individual goals.
Special Interest Areas
- Chronic Disease Management and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation.
- Women Health – all stages of life.
- Clinical and general population Pilates.
- Chronic pain.
Outside of work and study, Nicole loves hanging out with her family and stays active playing soccer.
Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP,AES, ESSAM)
Exercise Physiology Team Leader
Senior Exercise Physiologist
SIRA Provider Number - 11334
If you were a super-hero, what 2 powers would you have? Fly and Time Manipulation
What’s your go-to guilty pleasure? MILO and a dash of milk
What’s your favourite way to spend a weekend? Family Adventures
If you could live anywhere, where would it be? No better place than Australia, no home base, just travelling around The Big AUS

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